
As a former intrapreneur and current professor and entrepreneur, I’ve made a number of observations about innovation that I’d like to share.

AI Future. Teach students to think, not compute

Let’s Teach Students to Think NOT to Compute

With OpenAI and other LLM companies demonstrating the amazing potential of an AI future, It’s become an almost unavoidable question: what should we teach students. I hear all the time about bringing more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education to our schools. I watch (with horror) as some politicians and others try to shift […]

Let’s Teach Students to Think NOT to Compute Read More »

Can We Control What People Think About Us?

The opinions other people form and adjust about us can be critical personally and professionally. People’s opinions of us give us our practical authority, our ability to influence and our ability to draw satisfaction from our work. Though we may often feel powerless to shape the opinions that others have of us, the truth is that we have much more influence than

Can We Control What People Think About Us? Read More »

The perfectly wrong person to put in charge of building a new product

Many years ago, I created and delivered training for resellers of LiveVault, one of the first online backup services. At the time, what we were selling was very new and counterintuitive to most of our target customers. We were basically telling them that what they were doing and had been doing for many years (often

The perfectly wrong person to put in charge of building a new product Read More »

Nobody really hates marketing, but everyone hates BAD marketing (updated)

I’ve been struck by how many times I’ve heard people say – “I hate marketing” or “I hate being marketed to.”  While I’ve probably said the same thing myself, I feel myself nonetheless getting defensive. It makes me uneasy. I would argue that what they’re really saying is that they hate BAD marketing.  They dislike being

Nobody really hates marketing, but everyone hates BAD marketing (updated) Read More »

What do successful startup founders have in common?

As a group, startup founders are an incredibly diverse collection of people. If you were in a room with 50 randomly selected founders, you’d find yourself with people from every demographic group. They’d have many different skills and have had a wide variety of life experiences. Some would be introverts. Some would be extraverts. Some

What do successful startup founders have in common? Read More »