
As a former intrapreneur and current professor and entrepreneur, I’ve made a number of observations about innovation that I’d like to share.

Do you want an innovative realtor? I don’t! But, I’m grateful some people do!

I was just meeting with a realtor – a friend of a friend – to offer some ideas about marketing her real estate services. I was asking her to tell me about what words or phrases she believes would resonate with her prospective customers. In other words, would her customers want a realtor that was risk […]

Do you want an innovative realtor? I don’t! But, I’m grateful some people do! Read More »

Power of Curiosity

One of the common characteristics I’ve found in most successful innovators is a strong sense of curiosity.  They are genuinely interested in deeply understanding customers, existing solutions, competition, etc.  It is through this deep understanding that they often find new ways to look at problems, ways to bring ideas from other disciplines, ways to separate

Power of Curiosity Read More »

Celebrating failure – the catalyst for evolution

Perhaps the most frustrating part of building new products or innovating in general is that you’re almost never right when you start.  No matter how much analysis you do before you start, how confident you are, you’re still almost always wrong about most things. Almost all great breakthrough products succeeded after they failed – often

Celebrating failure – the catalyst for evolution Read More »